Recurring Events
Saturday Morning Breakfast: 9-10 am- Local Hams gather at Taco Johns in Menomonie, Wisconsin to swap stories and talk radio.
First Thursday Net-: Dunn County ARES/RACES group meets on the air at 7 pm on the first Thursday of each month to share information and for training purposes. The officers of Dunn County ARES/RACES give reports and members of the group take turns being net control. Freq: 146.685- PL 110.9/110.9 repeater ID KD9REF
Monthly Meeting: Second Thursday of most months we meet in person at “Applegarth.” N8340 County Rd. O, in Knapp, WI for face-to-face meetings and training. Periodically, alternate events are scheduled.
Are you looking for a place to take an exam to get your Amateur Radio License or Upgrade your License?
The testing location rotates between Dunn, Eau Claire, and Chippewa Counties. To find the next available location, date and time, please click on the link below.
Annual Events
Winter Field Day- Typically in January. Have fun playing radio outdoors in the winter!
Holiday Party- Our local group gets together in January or February for a potluck supper after the holidays. We do a ham radio gift exchange. Partners are encouraged to attend.
Field Day- Late June Every Year we set up radios in a public place to engage with the public and have fun communicating with hams around the country and world.
National Night Out– In August, police, fire and emergency services have an evening interacting with the community. We participate with Dunn County Emergency Management.
Simulated Emergency Test (SET)- The first Saturday in October, ARES/RACES groups around the country practice their emergency preparedness.
Wisconsin ARES/RACES Conference– November in Wisconsin Rapids. More info. can be found at
Biannual Events:
There are a couple of training events that only occur every two years.
Skywarn Training: In order to participate in our weather nets, participants must undergo Skywarn Training at least once every two years. Skywarn classes are offered by the National Weather Service and are provided locally.
Prairie Island Nuclear Reactor Emergency Preparedness Drills: The Dunn County ARES/RACES group works with the Prairie Island Nuclear Reactor in their emergency preparedness drills. These drills occur every two years and are limited to fully trained and authorized ARES/RACES DECARES members only.
Special Events:
Sometimes we work communication for races and public events, go on “Fox Hunts” looking for hidden radio transmitters, and tour places of interest. In the past we have toured the Prairie Island Nuclear Reactor training facilities and set up radios to participate in “Parks on the Air” events. There are many diverse sides to amateur radio. We enjoy exploring all of them.