Dunn County, Wisconsin

Amateur Radio Emergency Services

Who Are We?

We are a group of licensed amateur radio operators who volunteer our time, talents and equipment in case of emergencies.  We hold additional certifications so that we can work with local governments, police, fire and emergency management in order to provide emergency communication if and when the need arises.  We also provide radio communications for community events such as races and air shows.

The Dunn County ARES/ RACEs group is a fun and diverse group of people who love the amateur or “Ham” radio hobby.  There are many different aspects to amateur radio. Each of our members finds what they enjoy most about the hobby:  digital modes, Morse code, traffic handling, weather spotting, various forms of technology, equipment building, or emergency preparedness. We all enjoy the friendship and camaraderie of this shared interest. 


Upcoming Events:

For More Event Details, Please see the Events Page.

February 1st, Saturday– 10 am- Attenuate Device Building Event- Applegarth. Contact KB9MMT to participate 

February 6th, Thursday 7:00 pm- First Thursday Net 146.685

February 13th, Thursday 7 pm- Monthly Meeting- Applegarth

February 15th, Saturday 10 am- Winter Foxhunt within the town of Menomonie (Short Distance), Wisconsin- Meet at Taco Johns

March 6th, Thursday 7 pm First Thursday Net 146.685

March 13th, Thursday 7 pm- Monthly Meeting at Applegarth

April 3rd, Thursday 7 pm First Thursday Net 146.685

April 10th, Thursday 7 pm, Monthly Meeting at Applegarth

Where to find us

Dunn County ARES/RACES Repeater 146.685 – PL 110.9/110.9 repeater ID  KD9REF

Contact Us:

Do you have questions about Amateur Radio or Dunn County ARES/RACES?  If so, please contact us at info@dunnares.org

Call:  Dunn County ARES/RACES Emergency Coordinator, Bryan K9BRM 715-523-9687


Saturday Morning Breakfast 9- 10 am

Taco Johns Restaurant in 1526 North Broadway, Menomonie, WI 54751

Come join us! Every Saturday morning all of the local amateur radio operators congregate at the local Taco Johns Restaurant.  You are welcome to stop in.  Say “Hi.” if you are new to ham radio, a long-time radio amateur, or just interested in learning more about the hobby.